Pay monthly
Pay yearly
20 pages
300 pages
Hourly, daily & weekly checks
10 versions saved
Email customer support
1 user
2 notification addresses
Bulk import from CSV & Excel
Page unblocker
Choice of payment methods
Training & onboarding
400 pages
900 pages
Hourly, daily & weekly checks
20 versions saved
Expert email support
1 user
5 notification addresses
Bulk import from CSV & Excel
Page unblocker
Choice of payment methods
Training & onboarding
Track 1,000 pages or more
1,000 - 10,000
Hourly, daily & weekly checks
40 versions saved
Priority email & zoom support
10 users included
40 notification addresses
Bulk import from CSV & Excel
Premium page unblocker
Choice of payment methods
Training & onboarding
Have a question? Get in touch. Not ready to pay? Start on the free plan limited to 3 pages.
Join over 16,000 customers, you're in good company.
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Simple pricing, only pay
for what you need

What is included in the free trial?

The 30-day free trial for each plan has the exact same functionality as the paid version.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept card payments (through Recurly & Stripe). If you would prefer another option, please let us know.

Can I cancel, upgrade or downgrade my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel, upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time. Once you change your plan, the monthly payment will automatically be adjusted. If you upgrade, you can use the additional quota right away.

Will taxes be included in my monthly invoice?

Yes, but only if you're an individual (rather than a company) and you're located within the European Union. If that's the case then we have to charge you VAT on top of the monthly charge shown above.

Do you have a free plan?

Yes! Limited to 3 daily or weekly tracks though.

Have more questions?

Visit our payment FAQ, or get in touch -